Transformation is determined by your mindset, actions, reactions and your point of destination.

    Never let it rest, until good is better & your better is best!

Be it to you see it, action brings clarity, correct and continue.

 I am a mindset life coach. I help 40+ women going through separation or divorce. I help women map out strategic ways to reset their mindset to new thoughts through self - reflection & self- examination.


                           Whether you are going through a separation or divorce. I help Women discover, practice, and master new ways to be more intentional in reshaping their mindset, focus, and to take ownership of their beliefs, behaviors, and thought patterns in reshaping & rebuilding what a new life looks like by identifying what is helping and what is hurting you with you moving forward, so that you can be your best success.




                                                     Do It With Style! & Keep Your Head Held high!




 Are you  feeling overwhelmed with starting your life alone?

Are you going through a fresh divorce and unsure how to navigate & work through your feelings?

Are you feeling separation anxiety?

Are you feeling full of emotions, grieve, relief, sadness & happiness?

Are you finding out who your friends are after your separation or divorce?

Are you trying to find a way to co parent with the person that hurt you?


I understand, I've been there & I have the tools to help you work through the process.





  • Living: Being able to provide for yourself.
  • Identity: Regaining who you are independently from your ex.
  • Bravery: Walking away from someone who has caused you sadness.
  • Resilience: Never Stopping, never giving up, forging ahead to get to the other side.
  • Warrior: Continue with courage & great vigor.
  • Humility: Hold your head high.
  • Persistence: Create your new path.
  • Spirituality: Tap in to your higher power & lean in.



                      I walked the path alone. I was married for 26 years & knew my husband for 31 years. I lost friends & family members after my decision to separate.

I had to find my own identity that was lost. I had no support system to turn to. I had to figure out a new career as well as a new way of life.

I didn't know & couldn't see where I was going but I know it could only get better. I leaned in on my faith & that was my greatest success.

My faith allowed me to leave the worry & the anxiety behind. It gave me a sense of peace. Separation or divorce is never easy.

I believe it is so much harder as a women in our 50's when we find ourselves starting over. Because of my faith & life coach, I was able to navigate, take charge  & regain my life and want to help you too, come through the other-side.



                I have true life experience to lend, wisdom to provide, knowledge to guide and sound ears to listen.


                                                       Resilience With Warrior Determination 

                                                                 Do It in Style & With Dignity!


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